Monday, April 23, 2012

The Potty Piggy

  Just when life seems to settle into something you think you can handle, God has a good little chuckle and throws a curve in the path. What is our curve? Potty training. Those two words that every parent loves and loathes at the same time. Thrilled that we're so close to no diapers but so sad that my baby is growing up into a big girl. Everyone out there has their potty training tips and tricks. At the beginning we went with the treat option, which was pretty handy since the Easter Bunny brought loads of little treats! So for those of you who haven't started down this path yet...a new favorite tool for potty training parents is the treat method. Every time your child pees in the potty they get a small treat, think M & M's or Skittles.

The Potty Piggy
  We tried this for a while and it works great, but I wasn't thrilled about giving my toddler candy every 30 minutes. The Easter Bunny had brought my daughter a piggy bank. I decided he was going to become the Potty Piggy. This is working even better than I thought it would! He hangs out on the toilet tank and every time she goes potty she gets to put a coin in the Potty Piggy. She gets the positive reinforcement without all the sugar, how great is that?! What are everyone's favorite potty training tips? I'd love to hear some others. I wish I had something more exciting for you all but this is taking up so much of our lives right now this is the best I've got until next time.

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