Our newest baby/toddler purchase came today! It is the Phil & Ted's Vibe 2....and it is amazing. With another little bundle on the way we needed to upgrade our single stroller into a double. I wanted something that would be versatile. Something that would last for a long time. For us, it came down to two strollers: The BOB Revolution and the Phil & Ted's Vibe. I love the fact that the Phil & Ted's is an in-line. It's not any wider than a normal single stroller. What's better than finding what you've been looking for? Getting it for a great deal!
When I started my search last week I noticed that there was a new version of the Vibe, the Vibe 2. The Vibe 2 has some updates from it's predecessor. The most notable is the change to the break and the fact that it can be folded with the second seat attached (to the front OR back) as well as the sunshade for the doubles seat. I had intentions of purchasing the Vibe and then came across the Vibe 2 + doubles seat for almost $300 off the retail! It was also LESS than the original Vibe. SOLD! The wonderful FedEx man brought it to me today and it was perfect timing as baby battle rattle was just put down for her nap. I opened the box and set out to assemble my new toy. It was pretty easy and now I am just waiting for the little one to wake up so we can go for a test ride. I hope she loves it as much as I do so far!
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