Deployments are a time when emotions are running high. No matter what branch your spouse is in it's always the same. Your husband comes home, looks at you and says, "I'm deploying." At first you are sad; sad that he's going to be gone, sad you won't get to see him, sad that he'll miss ___________ (fill in holidays, birthdays, anniversary, births here). Then you are terrified of the possibilities deployments bring. Then you are happy knowing that you have the power to watch the Bachelor or Grey's Anatomy or any other show without hearing, "Do we REALLY have to watch this crap?" for the next xxx months. You'll have about 15 other emotions as well and it's all in the span of 60 seconds.
For those of you who have been through a deployment already you know exactly what I am talking about. For those who have yet to have their 1st deployment under their belt, you'll learn quickly what I'm talking about! Then comes the work-ups. All the field exercises they do before they go, all the late nights he's at work and ALL the gear they bring home. It's amazing how much there is to pack...and then re-pack...and re-pack until it all fits. Then there is the fighting. Yes, it is a universal thing. No, you are not the only one who is fighting with your spouse. It is totally normal. It doesn't matter if you are Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps. It's a stressful time and it's easier to say goodbye when you're huffy and distant. For you ladies who are going through this for the first time, don't worry about it. It's not the end of your marriage and you're not going to get a divorce because you're fighting before he leaves. As for going to bed it! Get some sleep and talk about it in the morning.
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