Thursday, August 23, 2012

Not a Blogger Rockstar

 Wow, I truly am a horrible blogger. So what's been going on in our house since I last graced you with a post? Well my husband has started a new career! He will still be a Marine Corps Reservist but we are done (knock on wood) with Active Duty. It is such a strange feeling. When we first started out I thought we'd be going to 20+. I was very apprehensive leaving the security of the Marine Corps. I have spent my WHOLE life with the military. Once my husband is finished training for his new job it'll be a little weird to have him home at a decent hour every night and on the weekends. What are we going to do with all this time?!

  Our big girl will be starting preschool in 2 weeks. I cannot believe my little baby who inspired my whole business will be going to school so soon. I'm pretty sure we just came home from the hospital with her a few weeks ago...but no, it's been nearly 3 years! Time just goes too quickly when it comes to growing babies. Our littlest one is growing into her own little personality and it is such a blessing to get to watch. I'm in awe of my girls daily.

  I am so blessed that my girls get along as well as they do and pray that it continues through their whole lives.
  I'm also completely obsessed with Pinterest. There are so many inspiring ideas and projects on there! I have so many pins and I am working through them as quick as I can. I have been cooking dinners for about 2 months now solely from recipes I've found on there! Some have been amazing hits and others....well we won't speak of those fails where pizza was ordered. I hope you are all having fun doing end of the summer activities! I will try to be a better blogger and post more. 

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