I have been following The Small Things Blog for a little while now. If you haven't seen it yet, you need to check her out! Amazing hair ideas and tutorials, cute outfits, and generally crafty awesomeness. She posted about 12 by 2012 and as a list-a-holic I'm in! I think this is a fantastic idea and hope you find some inspiration to do this as well. So here is my list:
1. Finish Isabelle's nursery.
2. Make a homecoming sign/banner for my husband.
3. Decorate for Christmas...and not just a tree this year.
4. Finish the pantry makeover.
5. Create a new office/sewing space.
6. Submit my USMC trademark applications.
7. Knit a throw.
8. Make freezer meals for after baby Isabelle arrives.
9. Detail my car!
10. Finish Christmas shopping.
11. Take a hospital tour.
12. Have a baby!!!
Ok, so maybe they won't ALL get finished 100% but I really hope so. Number 12 may be done and maybe she'll hold out for her due date (January 3rd), but I've got a feeling she'll be early like her sister was. Hope you are all having a fantastic weekend!
It feels like not too long ago that we announced Baby Battle Rattle was going to be a big sister. The time has come to put the shop on vacation until after this little bun in the oven makes her debut. This fall is going to be busy for us! From now until my due date we have Halloween, my HS reunion, Thanksgiving, Christmas and my husbands homecoming (thrown somewhere in the mix). No, don't fret I am not posting when in that mix he'll be coming home, heck, we don't even have the date...but AFTER he is back on U.S. soil I will let you all know.
The shop will be closed today, Friday October 14th. I don't have an exact date when the shop will reopen, but it will be some time around early spring. Right now I'm thinking March. I will still be updating the blog, Facebook page and update on Twitter. In more exciting news, have you seen the new logo for Baby Battle Rattle?! I LOVE it! (NOTE...blogger is being uncooperative and won't show the picture...I'll work on this more later. But if you can't wait and want to see the logo now, it's on the Facebook page.)