A few weeks ago Baby and I were able to fly to Maine to visit some great friends from back when we were all stationed in North Carolina together. What a trip!!! The last time I had Baby on an airplane she was 9m old and did great; however she wasn't a 20m old then and not interested in sitting in my lap but instead running all over the place. I prepared for the worst and prayed to God for the best!
Earlier in the week we had an Earthquake here in Virginia. It was quite the event for most people here, but having lived on a military base for more than half my life I initially thought "Ugh, why are they shooting artillery during nap time!?" Then quickly the Californian in me kicked in and I realized it was an earthquake. Did I jump up and run for the baby and cover? Heck no, this IS Virginia we're talking about. I figured it wasn't going to be much so I sat on the couch for a few seconds longer until things really got moving and a picture flew off the wall. Okay, now this is real! I ran up to Baby's room and yanked the poor sleeping kid from her crib and we got in the doorway to ride out the 'quake. All in all I was impressed for an East coast earthquake, a 5.8 not too shabby! We're all fine and Baby went right back down for her nap and I toured the house to make sure there was no damage to be found.
The only picture that didn't fall off the wall...and the only one that is irreplaceable. |
The day finally arrived for us to fly out. It figures that common sense would fly out the window when it comes to air travel. We flew from DC to Chicago to Boston. Of course because I had Baby with me we were delayed in Chicago for a few hours and missed nap time. We finally arrived in Boston at 8:30pm...only 13 hours after we left home! Yes, it was at this point I realized that I could have driven faster but we all know what they say about hindsight. We spent a wonderful weekend with our friends and got the grand tour of Maine, had both styles of lobster rolls (butter & mayo) and enjoyed a whoopie pie!
Baby in her very own big girl seat (thankful the flight wasn't fully booked!) |
Baby & I found the monster of all whoopie pies! |
My 1st Lobster Roll...delicious! |
Checking out a lighthouse, how do you not go to Maine and see one?! |
Baby's first whoopie pie! |
Then hurricane Irene came to town. I got a call from the airline on Saturday that my Monday flight had already been canceled. The nice woman who was rescheduling our trip home for us gave us a few different options and I asked her if any of them were a direct flight? She told me that they all were! Woohooo, our flight home was only 56 minutes in the air for a total of about 1 hour and 15 minutes from when we stepped into the plane until we stepped off. What's better than a short flight? A sleeping baby the whole way! We had a WONDERFUL time visiting our friends and can't wait for Mr. Battle Rattle to be home to make another trip up with him. Enjoy the pictures!