Just before my husband leaves for deployment is the worst. I hate having down time. To me, it gives my mind too much time to race around and settle on thoughts I don't want to think about. There is so much stress, but I think the most stressful part is before they go. The 'what if's' and all the unknowns. You never know when you'll get that first phone call from them after you see the bus or plane leave with your heart on board. Your phone becomes a part of you. Now you're the crazy girl who eats, sleeps, showers and pees with a cell phone attached to your side; but it's better than the alternative of missing that call. Then there's sleeping while they're gone. Sleep becomes that elusive animal that you only hear about in storybooks and fairy tails.
Helping pack the gear to keep them safe, the photos to make their tent a home away from home and the little notes you hide among the gear and uniforms to lift their spirits at unexpected times. There's also the other side to the pre-deployment craziness. I love sending my husband care packages! When else do you have an excuse to buy so many cards, jerky, miniature Christmas trees or an Easter basket for a grown man a Marine? I start my care packages before my husband even leaves. That way I can start sending them almost the day he leaves. While he's away doing pre-deployment training, I'm at Target and the like finding little things that will make the time go by faster (for us both). Need care package boxes and supplies? You can call 1-800-ASK-USPS and they will bring everything you need right to your doorstep. Does it get more convenient?!
So, here is to care packages, Hershey's kiss countdowns and a safe and fast deployment!
@paperandcake is giving away an HP Photosmart Printer! Go enter to win! http://www.paperandcake.blogspot.com
The link above is to a birthday giveaway from Paper and Cake. I just found her blog today and LOVE it. What is better than cute paper and photo crafts? Oh yeah, a printer that helps you do it! Even better, a FREE printer to help you craft. Enjoy!
Another week closer to our upcoming deployment. I always have mixed feelings around this time. As we get closer I just want it to be here and have him gone, then when the day gets here I wish for more time. This will be our 3rd deployment, so it's not like we haven't done this dance before but it never gets easier.
I will be flying out to Chicago tomorrow for a meeting with the Battalion and some of the other wives. I don't know how I always end up working with my husbands Battalion, but I do. Oh wait, I get voluntold, I remember now! I'm happy to help so don't get me wrong but if it's anything like this last deployment there will be some unhappy wives/girlfriends/family members. During our last deployment I was pregnant and had 200+ family members to keep up to date and answer their questions. I have higher hopes for this go around though, we're with a new Battalion. Time will tell though!
I know one thing is for sure, this won't be like our last two deployments. One thing the Marine Corps is good for is keeping you on your toes. It is an ever changing beast that takes no prisoners. How you ask? My husband had just gotten home from the field, we were driving to San Diego from Monterey when we got a call from the Colonel. A few 'Yes Sirs' and 'Will do Sirs' later my husband got off the phone and says, "I'm going to be deploying." WHHHAAA??? Turns out my husband impressed the Colonel and he wants him to deploy with the company that's going out next. I find it ironic and a little funny though. You do a good job at work and you're supposed to get a raise or a silly plaque. In the Marine Corps, you do a good job and you get sent to a war zone. I know the year just started, but I am ready for 2012 to get here soon and have this all behind us. Who's with me?